Dominic Mallia, current student

Dominic Mallia is a mature-age student with five years experience in construction industry. He is working part-time for a Hassell while he completes his studies.

Why did you choose to study landscape architecture?
Dominic Mallia – I’d worked on a number of landscape projects in a project management role and decided I wanted to be more involved in the design side.

What has been a memorable class from your time at UWA?
DM – More than Human Studio with Rosie Halsmith. 

During your time as a student, who has been a key person of influence in developing your approach to landscape architecture?
DM – Julian Bolleter and Rosie Halsmith. Both introduced me to new ways of thinking that have influenced my studies and interests beyond.

What’s the most influential thing you’ve learned at UWA so far?
DM– Your teachers and peers are your best resource and you can always find an expert to help you within these groups of people.

What’s one resources from your time at UWA that you return to, or that you feel have been most influential on you as a landscape architecture student?
DM – First Knowledges Design: Building on Country by Alison Page and Paul Memmott. This book provided inspiration to investigate First Nations ideas in design, culture, and Country.

What is a moment that stands out from your time studying landscape architecture at UWA?
DM– Assisting with the Living Lab 3 project led by Dr Maria Igniteva. It was a good opportunity to get my hands in the dirt with my classmates.

This interview was undertaken in 2023. It has been edited for clarity and cohesion.

Are you a graduate of Landscape Architecture at UWA? We want to hear your stories! Tell us here.

Images: ‘Urban Amegilla Cingulata’ for More Than Human Studio in 2022, by Dominic Mallia (images via Dominic Mallia)