1998 Dr Simon Kilbane

Simon Kilbane is a Senior Lecturer in Landscape Architecture at the UWA School of Design. Simon graduated from the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture at UWA in 1998, and from the Doctor of Philosophy in 2017.

Why did you choose to study landscape architecture?
Simon Kilbane– Landscape architecture draws on an appreciation of world around us. It combines so many disciplines, different scales – it’s a way of thinking that creatively considers new ideas for a challenging global and local existence.

 What was your most memorable class from your time at UWA?
SK – Studio – always different and collaborative. In first year, Equinox with Bill Busfield. I loved being in the deep end with Fine Arts and Architecture, working toward same goal.

During your time as a student, who was a key person of influence in developing your approach to landscape architecture?
SK - Both Grant Revell and Richard Weller. Interesting bookends to same discipline.

What did you learn at UWA that has been most influential during your career?

SK – Creative approaches, tools and methods; breadth of ideation; and defensibility of a depth of ideas.

What is one resource (book, film, etc) from your time at UWA that you return to, or that you feel has been most influential on you as a landscape architect?
SK – A City and its Setting by George Seddon. A thorough examination of what’s under your nose, but often overlooked.

This interview was undertaken in 2022, has been edited for clarity and cohesion.

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Images: Planning a National Green Network (via landscapearchitectureprojects.com/)